Jan. 2005
Mick Parsons

Mick Parsons lives and writes in Roselawn, a suburb in the shadow of Cincinnati, Ohio. When he’s not writing, he teaches composition part-time at
several area universities, covertly encouraging student rebellion, and ensuring he will never be hired full time. He also teaches teen poetry workshops and on occassion, and sits at home drinking home brew while talking about "getting out and socializing one of these days."

Mick is currently working to develop and set up The One-Legged Cow, a small press which is slated to launch April 1st, 2005.

About Artist:

mick parsons, poetry, expedition notes, complete work, e-book, performance artist, poem, cincinnati, ohio, arizona, northern kentucky university

sitting on the sidewalk, reading ezra pound

In the suburbs,
power lines are choking the dogwood trees. Meanwhile,
a charter bus full of suits rolls into downtown; a well dressed
drunk shows off his scars for a dollar donation;
and I sit cross-legged on the sidewalk reading Ezra Pound,

watching the expensive shoes attached to ironed pant legs
and seamless panty hose walk by
without looking down.